Alexander the Macedonian and the historical memory of Cyrus the Great
Alexander the Macedonian and the historical memory of Cyrus the Great

Adel Allahyari

Volume 32, Issue 54 , June 2022, Pages 15-37

  Historians of Alexander the Macedonian have reported that while conquering the Iranian lands, the Macedonian conqueror revered the memory of Cyrus the Great, the founder of the Achaemenid ...  Read More
Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment of Cholera in Safavid Iran
Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment of Cholera in Safavid Iran

Mohammad Ali Parghoo; Javad Alipoor Silab

Volume 32, Issue 54 , June 2022, Pages 39-61

  The outbreak of the disease, by afflicting physical and mental health, ultimately results in the death of human beings. The present study is based on the issue: how were the diagnosis, ...  Read More
Safavid history from the window of Islamism; A Reflection on the Influence of Islamist Thoughts in Safavid Studies by Morteza Motahari and Ali Shariati
Safavid history from the window of Islamism; A Reflection on the Influence of Islamist Thoughts in Safavid Studies by Morteza Motahari and Ali Shariati

Hamid Sadeghi; Nozhat Ahmadi

Volume 32, Issue 54 , June 2022, Pages 63-82

  Morteza Motahari and Ali Shariati, as two Shia thinkers-historians, under the influence of Islamist thoughts and with the support of increasing reliance on historical studies, tried ...  Read More
Ibrahim Khalil Khan Javanshir Karabaghi's relations with the Ottoman government
Ibrahim Khalil Khan Javanshir Karabaghi's relations with the Ottoman government

Mohammad Aziznejad; Fatemeh Jafarniya

Volume 32, Issue 54 , June 2022, Pages 83-112

  The occupation of the Crimea Khanate by the Russians and their gradual infiltration and advancement in the areas under the influence of the Ottoman government in the Caucasus endangered ...  Read More
Performance assessment of Ettelaat newspaper in regards to impose a dress code (Reza Shah era)
Performance assessment of Ettelaat newspaper in regards to impose a dress code (Reza Shah era)

Saeed Karamisalahedinkola; Ali Mohammadzadeh

Volume 32, Issue 54 , June 2022, Pages 113-137

  Uniform shape in dressing Iranian people known as the law of imposing dress code to Iranian citizen inside the country (approved by the seventh legislative assembly) had been one of ...  Read More
Analysis and explanation of the claim of Imamate of Abdullah Afteh and the reasons for rejecting his Imamate
Analysis and explanation of the claim of Imamate of Abdullah Afteh and the reasons for rejecting his Imamate

Sajjad kalantari; Feizollah Boushasb Gousheh; Naser Jadidi

Volume 32, Issue 54 , June 2022, Pages 139-160

  After the martyrdom of Imam Ali and due to the expansion of the Ahl al-Bayt family, the differences between the children of the Imams increased to obtain the position of Imamate, which ...  Read More
When is the origin of the new epoch of Iranian history?
When is the origin of the new epoch of Iranian history?

Alireza Mollaiy Tavany

Volume 32, Issue 54 , June 2022, Pages 161-181

  Thinking about the nature and quality of the periods that mankind has spent or is currently spending has been one of the concerns of philosophers, thinkers, historians and theologians. ...  Read More