Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 PhD student of Islamic History, Najaf Abad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najaf Abad, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of History, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad Branch, Najafabad, Iran


After the martyrdom of Imam Ali and due to the expansion of the Ahl al-Bayt family, the differences between the children of the Imams increased to obtain the position of Imamate, which undoubtedly brought a high spiritual and material status. Some children of Imams who had not reached the position of Imamate, considered this position as their right and did not accept the Imamate of their brother and even opposed their brother and tried to usurp his position of Imamate. Among these people was Abdullah Afteh who, after the death of his father, Imam Sadiq, considered the Imamate as his right and claimed the Imamate. The aim of the authors of this research is to investigate the reasons for Abdullah's action to take over his brother's place with a descriptive-analytical approach, and considering that there are pieces of evidence of his imamate, on what grounds was his imamate declared rejected? The results show that many factors, including the belief of the hadith narrators, the support of the Shiites, and especially the silence of Imam Kazem, made Abdullah more determined in his claim, and various reasons, including scientific disability, not having a son, and not introducing a successor, The passage of time caused the Shiites to return from believing in his Imamate.


Main Subjects

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