Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 PhD student in Political Science, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood Branch, Shahrood, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of History, Political Science and International Relations, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood, Iran


Uniform shape in dressing Iranian people known as the law of imposing dress code to Iranian citizen inside the country (approved by the seventh legislative assembly) had been one of the most important constituent elements of the assimilation ethno-cultural policies of the era of Reza Shah. This challenging law, which aimed to forcefully change the traditional lifestyle of highly traditional Iranian society, cause to various reactions among the elites, the press, and the general public. The authors of the present paper explore the performance of Ettelaat newspaper as one of the most important constituent of the press community of that era in regards to the implementation of this law. Qualitative content analysis method based on the context of the papers and news published in various edition of Ettelaat newspaper, the applied method in this paper, and the theory of emotional-motivation assimilation which are considered as one of the levels of ethnic-cultural assimilation are the theoretical framework for guiding this discussion. The result of the research illustrates that the newspaper had acted as a tool for ethnically-cultural assimilation on an emotional-motivational level by publishing a wide range of content related to   the policy of impose a dress code in two forms: paper and news. 


Main Subjects

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