Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 PhD in the history of Islamic Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of History, Faculty of Social Sciences, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


The occupation of the Crimea Khanate by the Russians and their gradual infiltration and advancement in the areas under the influence of the Ottoman government in the Caucasus endangered the security of the eastern borders of Anatolia. It revealed the sensitive position of the Caucasus for the Ottomans.At the local level, there was fierce competition between the Khan of Karabagh and the governor of Tbilisi, and with the patronage of the Georgian emissaries to the Russians, the balance of power in the Caucasus changed in his favor and to the detriment of Ibrahim Khalil Khan Karabaghi ​(1176-1221 AH/1762-1806 AD). The threat, Having a common enemyand the cultural-religious create the first foundation for the relations between Khan Karabagh and the Ottoman government. The authors to answer the question, what were the goals of the ruler of Karabagh and the Ottoman government in establishing relations with each other?
Maintaining the local government of Karabagh against the annexationist policy of Iran and Russia and creating a balance of power against the regional powers was one of the goals of the Khan of Karabagh. Countering the influence and expansionism of the Russians in the Caucasus and securing the borders of Anatolia with the help of the local governors with the slogan of Islamic unity was one of the main plans of the Ottomans near Khan Karabagh. Explaining the nature of the relationship between Ibrahim Khalil Khan Karabaghi ​​and the Ottoman government and the problems facing these relations is one of the issues of this research. The research findings confirm that the lack of a pragmatic policy on the part of the two sides did not improve the relations between the two sides from the level of exchanging ambassadors and letters. The research is based on the descriptive-analytical approach, relying on the documents of the Ottoman print archive and Ottoman history sources.


Main Subjects

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