The Organization of the Army and Military Officers in Shah Safi Era (1628- 1642 A.H.)
The Organization of the Army and Military Officers in Shah Safi Era (1628- 1642 A.H.)

Jahanbakhsh Savagheb

Volume 22, Issue 14 , May 2012, Pages 1-50

  One of the main elements of formation and continuity of political systems in historical periods in Iran is existence of an active army which plays an important role in eliminating those ...  Read More
Qanat Endowment
Case Study: Endowed Qanats of Seyed Rokn 
Al-Din in Yazd
Qanat Endowment Case Study: Endowed Qanats of Seyed Rokn Al-Din in Yazd

Zohre Cheraghi

Volume 22, Issue 14 , May 2012, Pages 51-68

  Qanat is a hydraulic structure that has been used in arid and semi arid zones of Iran due to surface water scarcity since ancient times. Qanat is not only a technology but it is also ...  Read More
Reinvestigation of Nature of revolt of Rāfi‘ ibn Layth
Reinvestigation of Nature of revolt of Rāfi‘ ibn Layth

Mohsen Rahmati

Volume 22, Issue 14 , May 2012, Pages 69-93

  The revolt of rāfi‘ ibn layth is one of the most important revolts against Abbasids in khorassan. This revolt happening at the end of Hārūn-al-Rashīd’s caliphate, in ...  Read More
Iranian first National Parliament and attempts to define and develop the
Iranian first National Parliament and attempts to define and develop the "basic rights".

Mohammad Salmasizadeh; Mohammad Aminnejad Najafian

Volume 22, Issue 14 , May 2012, Pages 95-128

  This paper is about the role of Iranian first National Parliament to define and develop the "basic rights" of the country. First of all the meaning of the "basic rights" was decrypted ...  Read More
The punishment and trial manner in Timurid era
The punishment and trial manner in Timurid era

Masoomeh Samaei Dastjerdi; Vahid Abedinpoor

Volume 22, Issue 14 , May 2012, Pages 129-156

  Judgment and trial, since old days that has been simple and basic in form of arbitrage and private judgment, to today that is a complex system, regarding to the degree of civilization, ...  Read More
Freedmen in Imam Ali’s (Peace be upon him) Caliphate Studying Imam Ali’s (Peace be upon him) Essentials of Ethology on Freedmen
Freedmen in Imam Ali’s (Peace be upon him) Caliphate Studying Imam Ali’s (Peace be upon him) Essentials of Ethology on Freedmen

Seyed Alaeddin Shahrokhi; Ruhollah Bahrami

Volume 22, Issue 14 , May 2012, Pages 157-180

      Expansion of Muslims' conquests to the territories out of the Arabian Peninsula after Prophet’s death raised a new issue known as non Arab new-Muslims in Islamic ...  Read More