The political and social viewpoints of Khair-ol Klam , The first newspaper of Gilan
The political and social viewpoints of Khair-ol Klam , The first newspaper of Gilan

Nasrolah Poormohammadi Amlashi

Volume 22, Issue 16 , November 2012, Pages 1-22

  Khair-ol klam was the first local newspaper of Gilan, printed and published by Afsah-ol Motakallemin  for three  years ,from 4 august 1907 .At  first ,the Newspaper had ...  Read More
The arrival of the Kassites to Mesopotamia and its outcomes
The arrival of the Kassites to Mesopotamia and its outcomes

Shahram Jalilian; Amir Ali Nia

Volume 22, Issue 16 , November 2012, Pages 23-46

      Most of the researchers believe that the region of middle Zagros and modern Lorestān had been the origin and the first settlement of the people who were called Kassite/Kašo ...  Read More
The Intra-City Social conflicts of Shiraz in the 8th century and he effects of external forces on them
The Intra-City Social conflicts of Shiraz in the 8th century and he effects of external forces on them

Abdul Rasool A. Kheirandish; Ali Mansouri

Volume 22, Issue 16 , November 2012, Pages 47-62

  Prior to the Mongolian era, internal conflicts of Iranian cities were dominantly religion-based. However, after the conquest of Iran by the Mongols, these conflicts took a more social ...  Read More
The Structural dialectic in Afsharid  military state
The Structural dialectic in Afsharid military state

Ahmad Dorosti

Volume 22, Issue 16 , November 2012, Pages 65-88

  Abstract: The islamic period of Iran history have witnessed the emergence of numerous militarized state as Ghaznavids, Ilkhananids, Timurids and in Afsharids. In compare with other ...  Read More
Study on British intervention in Iran's economic affairs during World war II A
Study on British intervention in Iran's economic affairs during World war II A

Sajjad Raee Golujeh

Volume 22, Issue 16 , November 2012, Pages 89-110

  The Allies intention in occupying Iran and imposing the Tripartite pact -in which the British were mostly involved- was largely to intervene Quai-legally and generally in Iranian internal ...  Read More
Border Challenges between Iran and Afghanistan during the age of Reza Shah
Border Challenges between Iran and Afghanistan during the age of Reza Shah

Karim Soleimani; Massoumeh Nayerabadi

Volume 22, Issue 16 , November 2012, Pages 111-142

  Demarcation disputes, unrest and insecurity along the borders, The question of the Helmand River and the problem of migration between border cities of two contries in the era of Reza ...  Read More