Iranian and Chinese Relations in the Sassanid Period and Its Impact on Chinese Culture, Based on the Chinese Sources
Iranian and Chinese Relations in the Sassanid Period and Its Impact on Chinese Culture, Based on the Chinese Sources

Hamidreza Pashazanous

Volume 30, Issue 45 , May 2020, Pages 9-35

  In general, Iranian and Chinese Relations in the Sassanid period can be divided into two periods: from the beginning to the reign of Yazdgerd III and from the Yazdgerd rule and the ...  Read More
Peacemaking Policy of Shah Abbas I towards the Ottoman Government (With citation to Correspondence and Treaties)
Peacemaking Policy of Shah Abbas I towards the Ottoman Government (With citation to Correspondence and Treaties)

Jahanbakhsh Savagheb; Shahab Shahidani; Parvin Rostami

Volume 30, Issue 45 , May 2020, Pages 37-61

  In the study of Safavid and Ottoman relations, it is usually emphasized on its militant nature. Despite the continuing tensions between the two governments, which enjoyed ideological ...  Read More
The Theoretical Approach of Ibn al-Mujawir in Tarikh al-Mustabsir
The Theoretical Approach of Ibn al-Mujawir in Tarikh al-Mustabsir

Saeed Khanafereh Mavadat; Shahla Bakhtiari

Volume 30, Issue 45 , May 2020, Pages 63-85

  Ibn al-Mujawir is an unknown Iranian theoretician, whose travelogue, Tarikh al-Mustabsir, despite its theoretical importance, is less known among contemporary researchers. Tarikh al-Mustabsir ...  Read More
How Yazdgerd III Ascend to the Throne? 
(Study of Historical Sources with Emphasis on Shahnameh)
How Yazdgerd III Ascend to the Throne? (Study of Historical Sources with Emphasis on Shahnameh)

Zagros Zand

Volume 30, Issue 45 , May 2020, Pages 87-106

  Most of the Arabic-Persian and other sources have dealt with Yazdgerd III coronation. There are much confusion and inconsistency in these sources. In this study, the historical data ...  Read More
Sheikh Jafar Safavi, a Famous but Unknown Person in the Safavid Tradition  ,
Sheikh Jafar Safavi, a Famous but Unknown Person in the Safavid Tradition ,

Ali Salarishadi

Volume 30, Issue 45 , May 2020, Pages 107-125

         In general, in the tradition of the Safavid dynasty and sovereignty, many former members of this family, who were known as the Safavid Mashayekh, ...  Read More
A Survey of Seyyed Hasan Taghizadeh’s Views and Performance on Ethnic Politics in Iran (Pahlavi Era)
A Survey of Seyyed Hasan Taghizadeh’s Views and Performance on Ethnic Politics in Iran (Pahlavi Era)

Saeed Karamisalahedinkola; Ali Mohammadzadeh; Ahmad Ashrafi

Volume 30, Issue 45 , May 2020, Pages 127-149

  Taghizadeh has been a political activist in the Constitutional era and one of the political agents as well as being one of the scientific and literary figures of the Pahlavi era. Thus, ...  Read More
Investigating the Factors Influencing on the Being Problematic of Iraqi Feyli Kurds' Citizenship in the Last Hundred Years
Investigating the Factors Influencing on the Being Problematic of Iraqi Feyli Kurds' Citizenship in the Last Hundred Years

Morad Moradi Moghadam; Hamid Basiratmanesh

Volume 30, Issue 45 , May 2020, Pages 151-175

  Most Feyli Kurds living in Iraq became citizens of Iraq under the 1924 Citizenship Act. From the formation of Iraq until the era of Abdul Karim Qasim, it was easy for Iraqi Kurds to ...  Read More
A Comparative Study of Primeval Creation in Ancient Persia’s Beliefs and Isma’ilist Thoughts
A Comparative Study of Primeval Creation in Ancient Persia’s Beliefs and Isma’ilist Thoughts

Abbas Masiha; Maryam Moezzi

Volume 30, Issue 45 , May 2020, Pages 177-201

  In terms of Zurvanist teachings, the creation of humanity divides into mediated and immediate. There are analogies between this mythical teaching and Isma’ilist teaching. The ...  Read More