Document Type : Scientific-Research


Associated Professor, Department of History, Urmiah University


       In general, in the tradition of the Safavid dynasty and sovereignty, many former members of this family, who were known as the Safavid Mashayekh, from Sheikh Safi to Shah Ismail, were treated with considerable respect and they had a semi-sacred position. However, among the members of this family, Sheikh Jafar Safavi, the son of Khajeh Ali, had a special, unique, and distinct situation. This member of the Safavid family not only had discarded from all Safavid historical-narrative and dynastic-governmental traditions but was clearly referred resentfully. Although, this Safavid sheikh has been highly considered by contemporary governments and he has been particularly respected. Moreover, he is referred in a very favorable and respectful tone in contemporary Timurid and Turkmen historical sources. Therefore, there is a special contradiction in this matter. Safavid literary and historical sources have described this hostile standing against him with great ambiguity and exaggeration. They pointed out the opposition of Sheikh Jafar to the succession of Junayd. The sources also discussed the role of Jahanshah Qaraqviyunlu in this matter with special partiality to the extent that Junayd's departure from Ardabil has been attributed to him. Considering these contradictions and ambiguities, does the claim of Safavid sources and traditions about the succession and legitimacy of Junayd have a basis in reality? Has Sheikh Jafar really committed deconstructive acts in the Safavid family? Hence, this article aims to study the status and position of this Safavid sheikh as well as the reasons and the ways of his confrontation with Junayd and the associated consequences.


Main Subjects

List of sources with English handwriting
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References in English and German
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