Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 P.H.D Student ,Department of History, Political Science and International Relations, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azadi University, Shahrood Branch, Shahrood, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of History,Political Science and International Relations,Faculty of humanities, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood Branch, Sharood, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of History, Political Science and International Relations, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood Branch, Shahrood, Iran


Taghizadeh has been a political activist in the Constitutional era and one of the political agents as well as being one of the scientific and literary figures of the Pahlavi era. Thus, his views, opinions, and actions in various socio-political fields, including dealing with ethnicities, are of great importance. The present study examines Taghizadeh's approach in the case of ethnic politics. In response to the question of how Taghizadeh confronts ethnic politics in Pahlavi-era in Iran, the main claim of the paper is that although he was considered a broker of a system that enforced coercive ethnical policies, he himself believed in its peaceful form. The findings of the present study show that Tagizadeh's belonging to concepts such as patriotism, national and cultural unity, and inequality, as well as democracy, freedom, moderation, and tolerance, have led him to embrace peaceful ethnic replication. This approach is particularly evident in his views and actions in terms of ethnocentric tendencies, language policies, and how to deal with tribes. This article is based on Gordon's theory of replication, which analyzes replication in two structural and cultural aspects in multi-ethnic societies and investigated using a descriptive-analytical method based on data which were collected from written sources such as books, articles, historical documents, and other published sources.


Main Subjects

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