Hawraman rebellion in the age of Naser-al-din Shahe Qajar (1284-1286 Lunar)
Hawraman rebellion in the age of Naser-al-din Shahe Qajar (1284-1286 Lunar)

Mazhar Advay; Hadi Vakili

Volume 25, Issue 28 , December 2016, Pages 5-39

   Hawraman region in the west of Kurdistan since the 4th to the end of 12th lunar has been administered by local rulers of this region and under the direct supervision of the central ...  Read More
An Analysis of Effective Reasons on Destruction of Arajan After Long Time Prosperity.
An Analysis of Effective Reasons on Destruction of Arajan After Long Time Prosperity.

Ibrahim Raygani; Mahdi Mousavi Kouhpar; Javad Neyestani

Volume 25, Issue 28 , December 2016, Pages 41-64

   Arajan was one of the most importantsassanian states in southwestern Iran which it’s prosperity and development continued in Islamic period. Dynasties such as Saffarids, ...  Read More
The Relation Between Sāmānids and Abbāsid Caliphate and affecting factors on It
The Relation Between Sāmānids and Abbāsid Caliphate and affecting factors on It

Mohsen Rahmati

Volume 25, Issue 28 , December 2016, Pages 65-98

  With the approval of the abbāsid caliphate ,the land owner sāmāni clan dominated on border area of islam world, in eastern transoxiana , in the beginning of 3th century, and gradually, ...  Read More
Research on the principles and techniques of Oral surgery in the Islamic period
 (from third to twelfth century A.H)
Research on the principles and techniques of Oral surgery in the Islamic period (from third to twelfth century A.H)

Seyyed Mahyar Shariatpanahi

Volume 25, Issue 28 , December 2016, Pages 99-142

  Surgical knowledge is an important part of traditional medicine in the Islamic  period. Among the various organs, The oral surgery Because of the sensitivity and Elegance of organs, ...  Read More
The link of the Calligraphy and Tashayyo, in Timurid era
The link of the Calligraphy and Tashayyo, in Timurid era

Vahid Abedinpoor; Abolhasan Fayyaz Anosh; Fereidoun Allahyari

Volume 25, Issue 28 , December 2016, Pages 143-170

   Timurids are Turkish – Mongolian dynasty that ruled on Iran and maoraalnehr generally in 771- 913 years. The migrating and settling life at the same time in Joghatay Alus ...  Read More
Relation of political state and economical situation on during the first safavids(907-996 h)
Relation of political state and economical situation on during the first safavids(907-996 h)

Ahmad Aghili

Volume 25, Issue 28 , December 2016, Pages 171-213

  The economical flourishment of society has important role in historical evolution. This factor play its role in development of society. The economic tied with many others factors. In ...  Read More
The political, economic and social backgrounds of the events in Kerman and its reflection in the Constitutional Revolution (1905-1906)
The political, economic and social backgrounds of the events in Kerman and its reflection in the Constitutional Revolution (1905-1906)

Mohammadmahdi Moradi Khalaj; Reza Sehatmanesh

Volume 25, Issue 28 , December 2016, Pages 215-246

   Some events occurred in Kerman at 1905 AD and some of its inhabitants were killed. The most effective event was that the Hajj Mirza Mohammad Reza was beaten and two ruler of Kerman ...  Read More
Laleh Seyeds of Tabriz in the Transition to Safavid Era
Laleh Seyeds of Tabriz in the Transition to Safavid Era

Mohammad Taqi Mashkouriyan; Ali Akbar Jafari

Volume 25, Issue 28 , December 2016, Pages 247-272

  Studies on the first years of the reign of the Safavids mostly focus on the establishment of Shia as the official religion, the concentration of political power, and fighting against ...  Read More
Historical Geography of Media after Establishing Kingdom and Its expansion(612-550 B.C)
Historical Geography of Media after Establishing Kingdom and Its expansion(612-550 B.C)

Kazem Mollazadeh; Masoome Taheri

Volume 25, Issue 28 , December 2016, Pages 273-300

  Median kingdom despite historically low time, was origin of the important political, social and cultural developments. Unfortunately, there are fundamental ambiguities associated with ...  Read More