The typology of companions’ contribution in Auhud battle based on The Quran and historical resources
The typology of companions’ contribution in Auhud battle based on The Quran and historical resources

Shahla Bakhtiari; Fatemeh Motahary Far

Volume 25, Issue 26 , December 2015, Pages 5-28

  Auhud, one of the significant battles in the prophet era, had a strong influence on Muslim destiny. Initially victorious, the battle ended up with defeat at the part of Muslims in spite ...  Read More
Event of Karbala and representation the ruling discourse in Abu mikhnaf historiography
Event of Karbala and representation the ruling discourse in Abu mikhnaf historiography

Hassan Hazrati; leyla najafian razavi

Volume 25, Issue 26 , December 2015, Pages 29-48

  Detailed description of events about uprising of Imam Hussein and it,s different dimensions is historiography of Abu mikhnaf. Although, some researchers have studied Abu mikhnaf,s status ...  Read More
Trade Ties of Republics of Venice and Genoa with Iran in Ilkhanid Era
Trade Ties of Republics of Venice and Genoa with Iran in Ilkhanid Era

Naser Sedghi; Vali Dinparast; Saeedeh Soori

Volume 25, Issue 26 , December 2015, Pages 49-69

  One of the developments in the Mogul era and in political geography was gathering the Middle East, Kipchak Plain, Iran, Caucasus and Anatolia under the Mogul rule. The immediate consequence ...  Read More
The Effects of  Ghazan Reforms  On Agricultural State of Ilkhanid territory
The Effects of Ghazan Reforms On Agricultural State of Ilkhanid territory

Mohsen Rahmati; Vahid falahi

Volume 25, Issue 26 , December 2015, Pages 71-98

  The economical conditions of Iran, especially Its farming, were been damaged from mongol invasion. During his brief reign, and through execution of reforming, Ghazan khan intended to ...  Read More
An  Investigation of the Formation Process
of the Royal Inspection Office in 1337
An Investigation of the Formation Process of the Royal Inspection Office in 1337

Hassan Zandiyehh; Mohammadali Monfared; Masoud Adinehvand

Volume 25, Issue 26 , December 2015, Pages 99-121

  During The reign of Pahlavi II, there existed a diversity of information and security (intelligence) offices in Iran. These institutions were mostly the result of Shah᾿s suspicion ...  Read More
A study in Shi'a-Sunni Strife in Atabat-i Aliyat in Nineteenth Century (with Emphasis on Ottoman Archives Documents)
A study in Shi'a-Sunni Strife in Atabat-i Aliyat in Nineteenth Century (with Emphasis on Ottoman Archives Documents)

Rasoul Arabkhani

Volume 25, Issue 26 , December 2015, Pages 123-141

  Religious conflicts between Shiites and Sunnis in Iraq, dates back to centuries before the nineteenth century. During the period of Ottoman rule over Iraq and the rise to power of the ...  Read More
Political Situation of Elam after Fall to Assyrians to Rise of Achaemenids (646-550 BC)
Political Situation of Elam after Fall to Assyrians to Rise of Achaemenids (646-550 BC)

Zahra Kayyed; Mohammadtaghi Imanpour

Volume 25, Issue 26 , December 2015, Pages 143-178

  Elam in south-west of Iran has been one of the oldest civilizations of Ancient. Its name has been mentioned in Sumerian sources from third millennium BC as nation that entered political ...  Read More
Citation analysis of the PhD thesis in history at Alzahra University in the years 1380-1391
Citation analysis of the PhD thesis in history at Alzahra University in the years 1380-1391

Mahnaz Mokhtari okghni; Hojjatullah Hassan Larijani; Shahla Bakhtiari

Volume 25, Issue 26 , December 2015, Pages 179-203

  Recognizing the patterns of citation and material usage in thesis writing, this research intends to identify the researcher’s needs for data in History area by citation analysis. ...  Read More
The Idea of Establishment of National Army
in First National Parliament of Iran
The Idea of Establishment of National Army in First National Parliament of Iran

Alireza Mollaiy Tavany; Fatemeh Soheili

Volume 25, Issue 26 , December 2015, Pages 205-228

  The Idea of defense of independence and territorial integrity was spread from elite to other groups of society after the constitutional revolution and establishment of parliament. Provincial ...  Read More