The Political and Religious Function of Poetry in the Era of the Egyptian Fatimids (358-567 AH) in dealing with Their Foreign Opponents
The Political and Religious Function of Poetry in the Era of the Egyptian Fatimids (358-567 AH) in dealing with Their Foreign Opponents

Raziyeh Ansari; Mohammad Ali Chelongar; Fereydoon Allahyari

Volume 29, Issue 44 , March 2020, Pages 9-33

  Poetry has always been an influential art and powerful medium in human societies. Hence, it has always played a significant role as an advertising tool for governments, sects, parties, ...  Read More
A Survey on Importance of Sassanid Castel of Shah Joghal (Jeqele) in Borujard, for Conservation of Roads in the Central Zagros
A Survey on Importance of Sassanid Castel of Shah Joghal (Jeqele) in Borujard, for Conservation of Roads in the Central Zagros

Mousa Sabzi; Esmail Hemati Azandaryani; Kazem Omidi

Volume 29, Issue 44 , March 2020, Pages 35-54

  Castle Shah Jaghl or Jeqele can be considered one of the central Zagros mountain fortresses. The location of the castle is such that it has been settled on one of the communication ...  Read More
Sayyid Jamal; Imposing the Traditional Meaning of Caliphate on the Modern Concept of Government
Sayyid Jamal; Imposing the Traditional Meaning of Caliphate on the Modern Concept of Government

Morteza Shirody

Volume 29, Issue 44 , March 2020, Pages 55-70

  The first conflict between modern political concepts and traditional concepts dates back to the time of Sayyid Jamal al-Din Asadabadi and to him. After him, the contemporary Iranian ...  Read More
Trebizonds' status in the Anatolian Blockade by Ilkhanids
Trebizonds' status in the Anatolian Blockade by Ilkhanids

Ahmad Fazlinejad; Abdolrasool Kheirandish

Volume 29, Issue 44 , March 2020, Pages 71-93

  During the fifty-years of the Mongol invasion, Anatolia (Asia Minor) became increasingly important for the Mongols. After the establishment of the Ilkhanids Mongol government in Iran, ...  Read More
A Look at the Office of the Amir Nizam in the Qajar Period
A Look at the Office of the Amir Nizam in the Qajar Period

Abbas Ghadimi Gheydari; Mohaddeseh Hashemilar

Volume 29, Issue 44 , March 2020, Pages 95-116

  Titles are one of the most important indicators of recognizing bureaucratic structure. The titles of political, military, administrative, and financial issues and their understanding ...  Read More
Divan-e Mohasebat and the Problem of Paying Salaries in the Qajar Period
Divan-e Mohasebat and the Problem of Paying Salaries in the Qajar Period (1909-1911)

Amin Mohammadi; Alireza Molaie Tavani; Seyed Mohamad Rahim Rabbanizadeh

Volume 29, Issue 44 , March 2020, Pages 117-144

  Paying salaries of civil and military officials was one of the main challenges of the Qajar government. The increasing number of payrolls, delays in payments, or salaries without financial ...  Read More
Investigating Ibn Barrajan’s Prediction of the Time of the Conquest of Jerusalem
Investigating Ibn Barrajan’s Prediction of the Time of the Conquest of Jerusalem

Hamed Nazarpour

Volume 29, Issue 44 , March 2020, Pages 145-163

  Predicting historical events is one of the most important topics in historical studies. Ibn Zaki al-Din announced the conquest of Jerusalem in the month of Rajab to Saladin, saying ...  Read More
The Communication Roads of the Western Part of Lorestan (Tarhān) in the Sassanid Era and the Early Islamic Centuries (With an Emphasis on Spring-Routes)
The Communication Roads of the Western Part of Lorestan (Tarhān) in the Sassanid Era and the Early Islamic Centuries (With an Emphasis on Spring-Routes)

Younos yousofvand; Javad Neistani

Volume 29, Issue 44 , March 2020, Pages 165-193

  The historical roads of Tārhān district in the southwest of Lorestan province are the important and high-traffic inter-regional roads. One of its most important roads is the road ...  Read More