Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 PHD student Department of Archeology, Faculty of Literature and Humanities Sciences, Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor Department of Archeology, Faculty of Literature and Humanities Sciences, Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran


The historical roads of Tārhān district in the southwest of Lorestan province are the important and high-traffic inter-regional roads. One of its most important roads is the road between Susiana and Kermanshah that has been very significant in the Sassanid era and early Islamic centuries. Many architectural works such as bridges, caravansary, and castell and cobblestone roads have been remains in this district from Sassanid and early Islamic centuries which have not been studied carefully yet. The goal of this research is the study of the communication capabilities of Tārhān district through the identification of the archaeological evidence of this road and buildings alongside it. The research approach is Historical-analytical, and data are collected by field and library method. To achieve these goals, this road was surveyed from Saimare city to Holeilan valley. This survey was identified a large part of the paved roads in mountainous areas, bridges, caravansary, some castles to protect roads and caravans, buildings with service-welfare functions, reservoir, two urban settlements, and an inscription from the Islamic era. The research results show that geography and climate of the region have caused to establish two paths in this region; spring route and autumn route. Each of them was used in one part of the year. In addition to connecting Khuzestan to the north and northwest of Iran, this road has caused the safety and flourishing of its settlements. 


Main Subjects

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