Constititional Revolution in Mashhad: the grounds, process and Russia policy
Constititional Revolution in Mashhad: the grounds, process and Russia policy

Hamid Ahmadi; Maliheh Khoshbin

Volume 24, Issue 21 , May 2014, Pages 5-34

  The historiography of Iranian Constitutional Revolution tends to concentrate on few main regions and cities at the expense of others with important role on the revolution.  Khorasan, ...  Read More
the Ashraf of Hijaz and Saljooqs Affair
the Ashraf of Hijaz and Saljooqs Affair

Fatemeh Janahmadi; Sayyed Mahmud Samani

Volume 24, Issue 21 , May 2014, Pages 35-57

  Contemporary to Saljooqs (427-590 H.), the Ashraf (Aristocrate) of Hijaz rule (358-1343 H.) was constantly intervened  by neighborings for enjoying the authority over the two sancturies ...  Read More
The formation of The Rank of Sheikh-al-Shoyookh and its functions in The Saljooqs Era
The formation of The Rank of Sheikh-al-Shoyookh and its functions in The Saljooqs Era

Ali Rezaeyan

Volume 24, Issue 21 , May 2014, Pages 59-74

  The extension of Saljooqs authority across Iran, Iraq and Sham (Syria) simultaneously encountered with Fatimids propaganda carried by missionaries and advocates threatening Abbsids ...  Read More
Interaction between Shia Cleric Authority (Marja'iat), State and Society in Iran (1303-1340; 1924-1961)
Interaction between Shia Cleric Authority (Marja'iat), State and Society in Iran (1303-1340; 1924-1961)

Kamal Razavi

Volume 24, Issue 21 , May 2014, Pages 75-116

  Shi'a  Marja'iat[1]  in Iran carries a great potencies and capabilities in socio-political changes of Iran. In contemporary history of Iran, the performance of Marjai’iat ...  Read More
The impact of Iranian Fantasy on Marxism: A study on the Tudeh Party of Iran
The impact of Iranian Fantasy on Marxism: A study on the Tudeh Party of Iran

Fariborz Moharramkhani; Mansour Anbarmoo

Volume 24, Issue 21 , May 2014, Pages 117-150

  Studying the impact of Iranian intellect on the Tudeh Party of Iran, as a major political party in spreading Marxism in Iran, this article finds that to what extent the Collective Fantasy ...  Read More
The battle of Tabuk: A military move or a socio-political concern?
The battle of Tabuk: A military move or a socio-political concern?

Ali Mohammad Valavi; Somayeh Bakhshizadeh

Volume 24, Issue 21 , May 2014, Pages 151-169

  Tabuk battle occurred in the ninth year of Hijra when Islam had already been spread across the Arabian Peninsula. Undertaking a new political experience people who used to digest patriarchal ...  Read More