Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Associate Professor, Department of History and Civilization of Islamic Nations, University of Tehran, Tegran, Iran.

2 PhD student of Islamic history, University of Tehran


One of the intellectual reflections of Muslim historians is to give specific names to the lands of the Islamic world. Among them, it is possible to name parts of the western half of Iran with titles such as Al-Jabal/Al-Jebaal in the first few centuries and then using Iraq-e Ajam instead in the sixth to ninth centuries A.H. Cited. The upcoming essay seeks to answer these basic questions: in what context and time were these names created, and how were they reflected in historians' writings, and how were they used? The findings of the present research indicate that the title Al-Jabal/Al-Jebaal was created during the first two centuries of Islam and was gradually reflected in the writings of historians, without having a specific definition. The concept of Iraq- e Ajam/Iraq was also used by historians from the 6th century onwards for the intended area. It seems that a kind of anachronism has occurred in the use of these names by the historians of the geography of Iran due to the rewriting of the history of Iran from the beginning to the contemporary time and the fading of the use of historical sources from the third to the sixth centuries of Arabic and they follow the chronological order in using these names. They have not done But on the other hand, the historians of Iraq, Syria and Egypt used the title Iraq-Ajam later than Iranian historians, and due to relying on ancient sources, they did not commit anachronism.


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