Document Type : Scientific-Research


Assistant Professor in History department, Faculty of Humanities, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran


Sufi biographies (tadhkiras), in addition to their main themes, i.e. describing the situation of the leaders of the Tariqat, sometimes include some social, economic and geographical data, which are necessary and important especially in topics facing the problem of lack of information. An example of these texts is “Ferdows al-Murshediyya fi Asrar al-Samadiyyah” in the description of the status and virtues of the 5th century AD famous Sufi and founder of the Murshedi Tariqat, Sheikh Abu Ishaq Ibrahim ibn Shahryar Kazrouni. The importance of examining this text from Iran's perspective of the historical geography , as the Morshedi Tariqat's sphere of influence was mainly in the southwest of Fars, including along the route that connected Kazeroon to the Persian Gulf coast. According to the frequent references in this text to the lesser-known city of Tawwaj on the mentioned route, the question arises as to what extent this text contributes to know more about the city of Tawwaj. This research is conducted on the basis of textual sources. The examination of the above data helps to identify the administrative political position of Tawwaj as a princely state, the extent of its sphere of influence and also the identity of the family of Tawwaj amirs, as well as the point of connection of Tawwaj with the Persian Gulf.


Main Subjects

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