Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 PHD student of Quran and Hadith sciences, Faculty of Theology and Ahl-al-Bayt (prophet’s Descendants Studies), University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of the Department of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of Theology and Ahl-al-Bayt (prophet’s Descendants Studies), University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.

3 Associate Professor of the Department of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of Theology and Ahl-al-Bayt (prophet’s Descendants Studies), University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


According to historical sources, the first migration of Muslims to Abyssinia took place around the fifth year of the Prophethood. The reports in the historical sources do not provide reliable results to explain the atmosphere in Abyssinia at that time and to know the inhabitants and their religion and beliefs. Considering the fact that the Holy Quran reflects a part of the conditions in Abyssinia, it is possible to recognize the atmosphere in Abyssinia in those years by using the method of "historical reconstruction". For this purpose, Surah Maryam, which based on historical documents has the most connection with this migration and its details, has been the focus of historical reconstruction. The results of this reconstruction indicate the existence of various sects and religions in Abyssinia. The most important of these religions were Christianity, Sabaeanism and Judaism, and the most important sects in that era were the "Menophysite" and "Arian" Christian sects. These results are in harmony with the references of historical and sectarian sources and complete and confirm them.


Main Subjects

The Holy Quran
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