Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 PostDoc Researcher, Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Theology and the Teaching of Ahl Al-Bayt (AS), University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Theology and the Teaching of Ahl Al-Bayt (AS), University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


One of the characteristics of the Safavid era was the beginnings of the Shi'i movement, which manifested itself in the form of the concept of Mahdism. The authors of the present study have tried to pave the way for the pathology of Mahdism in the mentioned era , assuming that Mahdism in the Safavid period was faced with functional aspects as well as dysfunctional and non-functionally aspects, and in this way, they have tried to keep their critical distance from the generally ideological readings of this matter. The research question can be formulated as follows: Did Mahdism, in addition to its existing functions, also face dysfunctions and non – functions? What are these? The results of this research show that the functions of Mahdism in safavid are  A: Territorial integration; B: Formulation of "national" solidarity; And in the aspect of  dysfunctions regarding are A: the emergence of false claimants; B: creating an ideological cover to justify the lord-servant structure; C: Inability to re – assimilate social forces; And in terms of non-functionally, it also includes the gradual deterioration of the Safavid style of governance. The aforementioned findings are based on the historical-analytical study method and relying on an interdisciplinary approach (historical-sociological) and based on Merton's theory of functionalism, it is concluded that - perhaps, considering the multitude of dysfunctions and non-finctions regarding Safavid Mahdism, the Net Balance  in Merten's theory  is more dysfunctional and non functional than functional


Main Subjects

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