Document Type : Scientific-Research


Associate professor of History Department, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran:


The prominent position of Khwaja Nasir al-Din Tusi among the Ismailis and his proximity and influence with the Mongols in Iran have led to the view that Khwaja was appointed "minister" in these governments, and the prevalence of this view has gone so far that it has been regarded as a definite statement by a number of scholars; but the verifications do not confirm this view". It seems that there are no credible and reliable sources and documents for the said viewpoint and that what has been said is based on sources in this field that the authors did not know in detail, or that they referred to Khajah as an Ismaili and Mongol vizier for special considerations. This study was conducted in a descriptive and analytical method with the aim of evaluating a statement about the life of Khwaja Nasir al-Din, and it shows that Khwaja, apart from the influence he had with the Ismaili rulers and then with the Mongols, and apart from the fact that he held certain positions, including the leadership of the ilkhan "Awqaf Mamalik" in his hands, never held the responsibility of a "ministry' (in its technical and specialized sense). However, one cannot overlook the fact that Khwaja was a close relative of the Ilkhans and, apart from the foundations, also had influence on Mongol rule in Iran.


Main Subjects

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