Document Type : Scientific-Research


Assistant Professor of History, National library and Archives of Iran, Tehran, Iran.


With the influx of large numbers of poor people from small towns and rural areas to large cities in the 1940s, various programs and social policies were put on the agenda to deal with these people. However, the main problem in dealing with this needy population was the lack of specific financial resources for this purpose. For this reason, a bill was passed in December 1952 under which a certain amount of tax was levied on every liter of gasoline consumed in the country in order to collect and employ beggars. in 1952, institutions called anti-poverty commissions were created in various cities around the country to take care of these people. Despite these measures, the crisis of the indigent population in the big cities worsened in the 1950s, leading to the dissolution of these commissions in 1959 and their replacement by a newly created institution called the Organization of Labor Camps. In this context, the main question of the present study is why such commissions could not solve the problem of indigent population at the state level. According to these measures, the present study aimed to investigate the formation of these commissions and their changes until 1959. Then, the problems of these commissions during this period are described according to this description, and finally, an attempt was made to show why the structure and performance of such commissions were not able to solve the problem of the poor in the country.


Main Subjects

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