Document Type : Scientific-Research


Doctorate in Iranian Islamic History, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran


The change in the education system of the Reza Shah’s era under the discourse of the modern national government and as a result the growth and expansion of women's education with the aim of educating new Iranian women and mothers led to significant employment of women in the education system, especially as teachers. Valuable research has been conducted on the necessity of women's education, the development, of literacy, the development of girls' schools and teacher education during the time of Reza Shah, but less attention has been paid to the employment status of women teachers and the challenges they faced during this period. The main topic of this article is the employment status of female teachers during the era of Reza Shah. The answer to this question emerges from the quantitative and qualitative study of the training of female teachers, the increase and decrease of their numbers in schools, the employment conditions, their limitations and difficulties, the status of their rights, as well as gender differences and discrimination in this profession, relying on documents and some publications. This period has taken place.
​ The findings of the research are based on the analysis of statistics and tables and show that the education of women was less important compared to men. This problem presents girls' schools and female teachers with the constant problem of lack of funds, low wages and gender discrimination in employment law. People's poverty and lack of financial ability to pay the small tuition fees of girls' national schools, especially in the states, and as a result, low salaries and a lot of work, along with the combination of employment outside the home with women's responsibilities at home, were other problems of female teachers, which sometimes led to their resignation.


Main Subjects

Statistics of Tehran, years 1300 to 1304
The statistics of the country's students in the yearbook of the Ministry of Education for the years 1314-1320
The one-year operations of the municipality in 1302-1301 and 1304-1303
Pars yearbook, 1310 and 1315
Yearbook of the Ministry of Education, 1299 to 1313 and 1297, 1307, 1308, 1314-1299
Statistical yearbook of the Ministry of Education, 1312-1313
Bamdad, Badr ul-Moluk (1348). Iranian woman from the constitutional revolution to the white revolution. C1. Tehran: Ibn Sīnā: Report of the parliament's deliberations, the 9th session of May 1307
  The collection of laws and regulations of the years 1320-1300, the first part
Amin, Michael Cameron, The Making of the Modern Iranian Woman: Gender, State Policy, and Popular Culture, 1865-1946, Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2002
Ta‘līm va Tarbīat, No. 1, 1315
Ta‘līm va Tarbīat, No. 7, 1315
Ta‘līm va Tarbīat, No. 1, 1314
Nesvān-e Vaṭanḵāh, No. 7, 1303
‘Ālam-e Nesvān, Year11, No. 6, 1310
Ta‘līm va Tarbīat, vol. 10, 1317
Eṭelā‘āt newspaper:
Eṭelā‘āt newspaper, No.3516, 31/3/1317
Eṭelā‘āt newspaper, No.3559, 12/5/1317
Eṭelā‘āt newspaper,  No.3593, 15/6/1317
Eṭelā‘āt newspaper,  No.3630, 22/7/1317
Eṭelā‘āt newspaper, No.3636, 28/7/1317
Eṭelā‘āt newspaper, No.3510, 25/3/1317
Eṭelā‘āt newspaper,  No.09, 2/3/1314
Eṭelā‘āt newspaper, No.2941, 3/3/1314
Eṭelā‘āt newspaper, No.2409, 2/3/1314
Eṭelā‘āt newspaper, No.2941, 3/3/1314
Eṭelā‘āt newspaper, No.3538, 22/4/1317
Eṭelā‘āt newspaper,  No.1083, year 1309, 1082, 1309
Eṭelā‘āt newspaper,  No. 868 S 1309
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Hosseini, Marzieh "The new concept of motherhood and education of women in the era of Reza Shah", Journal of History of slam and Iran, Year 31, New Period, Number 52, Series 142, Winter 1400.