Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Ph.D. student of Islamic history, Department of History, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University.Tehran.Iran

2 Professor of Islamic history, Department of History, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran.Iran


Security as a basic need of societies has taken on various dimensions throughout history, with the economic dimension always having a higher priority as an intermediate goal for Muslim nations. The AmanName of Jawhar al Siqilli (Treaty of Jawhar al Siqilli) from the commander of the Fatimid army to the Egyptian people is one of the most important historical documents about the Muslims' attention to the issue of economic security. At the threshold of the arrival of the Fatimid, Egypt was in an unbalanced economic situation due to numerous political crises, which prompted Jawhar al Siqilli to take over Egypt without resistance and killing by drawing up a written treaty promising economic security. This article attempts to analyze the content of this contract and General Fatimid’s promise of economic security for Egypt and answer the main question: What is the connection between the political unrest in Egypt and the content of this promise of economic security? The findings of the research based on the method of description and analysis of historical data as well as the analysis of the content of the AmanNameh text(Treaty), show that the political riots of this period, based on the causes of their formation, can be classified into six general categories, all of which are related to the themes of the AmanNameh(Treaty) in the field of providing economic security.


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