Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Ph.D student , Department of History, Yadegar- e-imam Khomeini (RAH) Shahre Rey Branch ,Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor , Department of History, Central Tehran branch, Islamic Azad university, Tehran, Iran


Political customs and ceremonies are one of the most important issues in the embassy area. The reception of the ambassador in each epoch had particular customs that originated from the beliefs and convictions of The rule of rulers. The present research was conducted using the historical method and is based on a descriptive-analytical approach that attempts to answer the question, "What were the embassy and the customs of receiving and meeting ambassadors in the Timurid period and on what principles and rules were they based?" using the historiographical works and buildings of the Timurid period. The results of the research show that Timur, despite his aggressive character, did not neglect the function of exchanging ambassadors and that many embassies were held in his time and under his successors with different purposes. On the other hand, the customs and ceremonies of embassy during Timur's time were based on Mongol customs and were supported by the Yasa law. During the period of Shahrukh, Abu Saeed and Sultan Hossein Baiqara, the customs and ceremonies of the embassy tended toward to Iranian-Islamic customs. Shah Rukh overruled Yasa laws in the area of greeting and acceptance. In embassy ceremonies, bringing gifts to Khans and nobles was almost an established principle, and if the ambassadors did not bring gifts, they had trouble fulfilling their mission. Timurid amirs also frequently presented gifts to the envoys. Horses, robes and gold or money were constant components of all gifts. Sultans such as Shahrukh, Abu Saeed and Sultan Husayn Bayqara used books as gifts in their relations. He not only showed himself as an art lover, but also the art and creativity of his courtiers in the field of book design. During this period, ambassadors enjoyed benefits such as political immunity, tax exemption, and other facilities, including lodging, meals, and transportation. Acceptance of the ambassador in this period was not the monopoly of the ruler like during the Mongol era. The Timurid amirs used the customs and ceremonies of the embassy as a tool to show the greatness and glory of their power.           


Main Subjects

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