Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Phd student, History of Islam major, International University of Islamic religions, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate professor at the Department of History and civilization of Islamic nations , Payame noor University, Tehran, Iran


During the Qajar period, Guilan occupied a central position in the Iranian economy as a leading silk producer and an important hub for the country's foreign trade across the Caspian Sea. Thanks to this importance, the region contributed significantly to the central government's revenues. However, the spread of silkworm disease in Guilan in 1277 AH /1860 AD, coupled with the Qajar government's lack of attention to the problem, led to a decline in crop production in the region. The objections of Guilan silkworm farmers and foreign businessmen based in Iran, as well as the fact that the government suffered significant financial losses due to the decline in silk production, prompted the government to take measures to increase the production of silk cocoons. This study, using a historical approach and descriptive-analytical methodology, examines the state of the silk industry in Guilan during the Qajar era from 1300-1335 AH /1882-1917 AD. It details the central government's policies and the efforts of foreign traders aimed at revitalizing this crucial industry. The research findings indicate that the government's initial step in this area was to facilitate the importation of silkworm eggs by foreign merchants from outside of Iran. The establishment of government departments dedicated to the silk industry, aimed at managing foreign trade, alongside efforts to inspire and incentivize Guilan's silkworm farmers to resume their work, were key initiatives taken to revive Guilan's silk industry.


Main Subjects

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