Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Official Curator, the Treasury of National Jewells, the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran, Iran

2 Associated professor, History, Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


Although the Industrial Revolution and the mechanization of factories reduced the harshness of production and the pressure on the human body to some degree, long hours, intense exploitation, and the dangers of working with unsafe early machinery increasingly affected workers' health and lives. This became a major issue in production and social life, as worker injury and early death caused great damage to the productive forces and economic structure of society. The natural reaction of workers and the emergence of critical and reformatory ideas of various thinkers made the support of the proletariat and attention to the health and hygiene of workers serious demands in the industrial societies of Europe.
The creation of modern industries and the emergence of industrial labor, as well as the spread of leftist ideas, led to the spread of the problem to non-European countries, including Iran. The results of the study, based on a combination of causal-rational methods and relying mainly on archival documents and the contemporary press, show that contrary to his leftist policies, Reza Shah, under pressure from international forums and the increasing number of workers in the machine industry, for the first time adopted the "Regulation of Factories and Industrial Establishments" in Iran, but it was not put into practice. After the overthrow of Shah Reza by the Allies and a relatively open political atmosphere, the leftist parties, especially the Tudeh Party, succeeded in forcing the government to draft the first "Health Law for Workers" in Iran.


Main Subjects

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