Document Type : Scientific-Research


PhD student, Department of Archeology of the Islamic Era, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


In times when mystical thoughts were more widespread in society, we can see material evidence of mystical attitudes in addition to literary mystical texts that were written in abundance. Among this evidence are the inscriptions engraved on historical works and buildings. Among the most important platforms on which religious ideas and beliefs are depicted are altars and tombstones, which have the most to do with people's spiritual beliefs. In order to express mystical thoughts, the word "la" is written on these works in a special and impressive way, in most cases without any connection with the main inscription of the work. One of the reasons for this, besides the visual structure of this word, is its mystical meaning. The present study tries to answer the question why "on the inscriptions of most tombstones and altars of the Islamic Middle Ages the word "La" (no) is written, although it does not appear in the text of the verse or hadith? the prevailing assumption is that, according to the testimony of historical literary texts, this word is a mystical substitute for the monotheistic phrase "There is no god but God" and played a role in the past ages with the aim of representing mystical and monotheistic thought in the works that had the most spiritual connection with people


Main Subjects

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