Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 PhD student of Shiite history, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of the Department of Islamic Education, Ahl al-Bayt Faculty of Theology and Islamic Education, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

3 Professor, Department of History and Iranian Studies, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


The purpose of this study is to examine historically and analytically the familiarity of the Imams of the Ahlul Bayt with the sciences and arts and their use of human resources. The consensus theory of Imamiyyah is that the Imams did not study under any teacher in terms of political and religious authority and the main source of these sciences was the Quran, Sunnah and divine inspirations, but the important point is that the Imams come from knowledge. Other arts and skills such as industry, astronomy, medicine, etc. were also known. The question now is where did the Imams get their knowledge from Were the sources of these sciences also divine or was such knowledge basically never part of the conditions or characteristics of the Imams and they could benefit from other sources in these sciences? ? The idea of this study is that the imams are familiar with human sciences on the one hand and benefit from the sources and methods of human sciences and knowledge on the other hand, and that they use conventional human methods and sources, even though in some cases religious education was also useful and they referred at least to written sources of the family. Although we completely lack access to many sources of this knowledge and information, we can support this hypothesis in a first step by referring to some historical evidences, such as the Imams' use of all kinds of written sources, their orders and efforts. By acquiring historical knowledge, by using the gift of reason and thinking, by ordering and using absolute consultations, by usually relying on all kinds of conventional narratives and reports, they justified and proved this. The result of this study can firstly challenge the "maximum theory" about the sciences of the Imams and their non-human sources;Secondly, to challenge their exaggerated approach about the materials and resources of science.


Main Subjects

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