Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Ph.D candidate of Economic Development and Planning, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Thran, Iran

2 Professor of Economic Development and Planning, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Thran, Iran

3 Professor Assistant of Economic Development and Planning, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Thran, Iran


The main objective of this paper is to investigate the relationship between the emergence of private property and the constitutional revolution in Iran by using the social order approach with qualitative research methods. The results show that the Iranian social order during this period was a fragile order with limited access. The authoritarian system distributed land rents among elites and deviated from the security of property rights by creating insecurity to secure its benefits. During the reign of Shah Nasereddin, drought shocks led to tax cuts and forced governments to sell off lands. On the other hand, the connection to international trade through the export of agricultural products led to the reallocation of capital to the land business. These events led to an expansion of private property in the form of large landholdings.
According to the theory of double equilibrium, economic and political systems cannot differ in the long run. Thus, at the beginning of the constitutional revolution, private landowners joined the movement. The codification of principles (15), (16) and (17) in the constitutional amendment and the abolition of vassalage guaranteed their property rights. Therefore, in political terms, the social order changes to a basic order with limited access, and the dual equilibrium is restored


Main Subjects

- Abrāhāmīān. Y. (1391). Iran Between the Two Revolutions, Translated by Ahmad Golmohammadi and Mohammad Ebrāhīm Fattāhī, Tehrān: Ney.
- Acemoglu. D., Robinson. J. (1395). The Role of Institutions in Growth and Development, - Translated by Mahmoūd Motevaselī, Mostafā Samīee Nasab, and Ali Nikoūnesbatī, Tehrān: Imām Sādeq.
- Cottom. R. (1371). Nationalism in Iran. Translated by Ahmad Tadayyon, Tehrān: Kavīr.
- Curzon. G. (1380). Persia and the Persian Question. Translated by Qolāmalī Vahīd Māzandarānī, Tehrān: Elmī Farhangī.
- Foran. J. (1390). Fragile Resistance: Social Transformation in Iran From 1500 To The Revolution, Translated by Ahmad Tadayyon, Tehrān: Rasā.
Issawi. C. (1362). Economic History of Iran, 1800-1914. Translated by Yaqoūb Ažand, Tehrān: Gostareh.
Lambton. A.K.S. (1339). Landlord and Peasant in Persia. Translated by Manoūčehr Amīrī, Tehrān: Bongāh Tarjome va Našre Ketāb.
North. D., Wallis. J. and Weingast. B. (1396). Violence and Social Orders. Translated by Jáfar Ķeirķāhān and Reza Majīdzādeh, Tehrān: Rozaneh.
North. D., Wallis. J., Webb. S. and Weingast. B. (1395). In the Shadow of Violence. Translated by Mohsen Mīrdamadī and Mohammad Hosein Naeīmīpoūr, Tehrān: Rozaneh.
North. D. (1385). Institutions, Institutional Change, and Economic Performance. Translated by Mohammadrezā Moeīnī, Tehrān: Country Management and Planning Organization.
North. D. (1379). Structure and Change in Economic History. Translated by Qolamrezā Azad, Tehrān: Ney.
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