Document Type : Scientific-review


Ph.D Alumnus in Islamic Archaeology, University Of Tarbiat Modares & Manager of National base in Ray Cultural heritage, Tehran, Iran


The use of published research contents and the application of  maps provided in such research is one of the most important ways to accurately discover and understand the location of ancient cities and their spatial analysis. The present research intends to identify the geographical location of the ancient city of Ray and its urban structure by referring to historical documents and maps, including maps provided by Robert Ker Porter and Pascal Coste, Wolfram Kleiss, aerial photographs of Eric Schmidt and Hussein Kariman’s map. This study has been conducted using a descriptive-analytical method and referring to content analysis of published sources and texts. In general, historical maps and documents play a significant role in locating Shahr-e-Rey in the early Islamic centuries. The results depict that some of these maps bear shortcomings, as such, they should be studied side by side. Through studying the maps and historical documents it became evident that Kohandej was located in the north of the city and along the Mount Tabarak. Moreover, it is observed that Sharestan area in the south of Kohendej was separated by a fence and rampart. The suburbs and Rabaz of the city were surrounded by a fortified rampart and fence. The fence and rampart in the west  surrounded Imam Zadeh Abdollah’s shrine, passing along the northwest,  then southwards passing through Qala Gabri, as the southern gate of the city, leading towards the western slopes. According to the study and investigation of historical maps and documents, it is found that the city has been developed and expanded on the southern and western parts.


Main Subjects

List of sources with English handwriting
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