Document Type : Scientific-Research


Assistant Professor, Department of History, Faculty of Literature, Alzahra University; Tehra, Iran


Religious and historical Characters are good subjects for making films for the reason the attractiveness and impact on the audience and for making connections between history and the media. The transmission of historical data through cinema and television as the most popular media necessitates the interaction between media owners, experts, and historians for the correct transmission of information to the viewer. It is important in connection with producing a film about the life of the Prophet (PBUH) before becoming a prophet due to the presence of Israʼiliyyat in the early biographies. In the movie "Muhammad Rasoolullah (PBUH)" directed by Majid Majidi, this part of the life of the Prophet (PBUH) is depicted. Considering the importance and impact of this film on a large part of the society, which can effectively create people's mentality towards the Prophet (PBUH), the author of the forthcoming article intends to examine the extent of Israʼiliyyat reflection in it. To this end, with a comparative approach, first identifies the Israʼiliyyat in the historical sources used in the film and then deals with how they are reflected in the movie.
The study's findings show that the filmmakers of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) relied on the narrations of Ibn Ishaq in obtaining historical data. With little regard for the severe criticisms made about the accuracy of these data, they have reflected the Israʼiliyyat of that book in a significant part of the film. This has caused the true face of the Prophet (PBUH) to be behind the Israʼiliyyat in this period of his life and to be hidden from the viewer.


Main Subjects

List of sources with English handwriting
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