Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Assistant professor, Department of history of Iran, Institute for humanities and Cultural Studies. Tehran, Iran

2 PhD Candidate in History of Ancient Iran, Department of History of Iran, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran


The wars of Iran and Greece during the Achaemenid period, which took place during the reign of Darius the Great and his successor, Xerxes, are among the most important historical issues, that for some reason, the Persians failed in these wars. One of the most influential factors in any war is the geographical issues of the battle zone. The present study has examined and analyzed the role of geographical factors in the performance of the Achaemenids against the Greeks. This study analyzes how the geographical factors, both military and natural, influenced the Iran-Greece wars. This article tries to answer the question of Achaemenids were caught in which the geographical traps in their attacks on Greece that affected the outcome of the battle. The results indicate that despite the fact that the Achaemenids considered many aspects in their attacks, but in several situations, they neglected to consider and identify geographical barriers that weakened or defeated them. The authors of the present paper completed the data collection through library studies and presented the results through historical descriptive analysis.


Main Subjects

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