Document Type : Scientific-Research


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Linguistics, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran


Zoroastrian Society of Iran saw many ups and downs with the collapse of the Sasanian government and the domination of Islam. It was, however, neither dismissed as it was thought nor able to maintain its former authority. The Zoroastrian society sought to make a living by proving that it was the owner of a book and that it is beside the people of Ahle-Kitab, and by paying the ransom or jizyah.
   Another reason for the Zoroastrians to live longer was their dominance over bureaucratic affairs and preservation until the fifth century AH. They were meticulous and skilled office workers. The government of the Bouyeh, which sought to revive Iranian traditions, gave the Zoroastrian administrative an opportunity. The subject of this essay is an examination of one of the Zoroastrian personalities who served an important role in the time of Baha'u-daulah al-Dilami (c. 379-404 AH). His name is mentioned both in Zoroastrian sources and in Arabic historical texts.


Main Subjects

List of sources with English handwriting        
Persian and Arabic Sources
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