Document Type : Scientific-Research


Assistant Professor, Institute for Research and Development in the Humanities (SAMT), Tehran. Iran


Today, different formulations of environmental discourses are presented. These discourses determine how governments and societies view the environment. Naturally, following each of these discourses will have specific consequences for countries. They will evaluate specific policies for environmental protection and determine how and to what extent natural resources should be exploited. One of the environmental discourses is the discourse of sustainable development, which is closely related to the discourse of survivalism. This discourse emphasizes the optimal use of natural resources and considers these resources as the heritage of all human beings so that future generations can use them. In Iran, before the Revolution of 1979, the Fifth Development Plan was the only plan that dedicated a specific chapter to preserving and improving the environment. Using the historical research method while trying to explain the goals and policies of the Fifth Plan, this article intends to answer the question: What was the environmental discourse that governed the Fifth Plan? And consequences for the environment did it lead to? Forests and pastures have also been considered as a case study of this article. This article shows how the lack of sustainable development led to to the domination of a reconstructive and reactionary look and neglect of preventive and action-oriented view in this program. This change, in turn, hold back protection programs and intertwined with a tool-based approach to the environment, the imperative nature of plan-making, and the quasi-modern state, represented a complete picture of unsustainable development


Main Subjects

List of sources with English handwriting      
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