Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 PhD in History of Islamic Iran. History teacher, Beiza, Fars Education Department

2 Associate Professor, Department of History, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr


The preparation of the first seven-year development plan and its implementation by the adoption of the Law of "Permission to Implementation of the Rules of Procedure of the Program Commission Report" by the legislative assembly on February 26, 1927, was the beginning of the application of economic planning in Iran. During the first days of the first development plan, simultaneous with the nationalization of the oil industry, there were political and economic crises in the country. Since the primary purpose of the first seven-year plan was to direct oil revenues to the country's development plans, it had a direct impact on the first seven-year plan and was one of the most important causes of the recession in the first development plan. On the other hand, oil revenues accounted for only 37.14% of the cost resources of the first plan. Besides assessing the success of the oil-free economy plan of Mosaddegh’s administration, the realization of other sources of cost of the first plan could prevent this plan from recession. So this question arises that in addition to the crisis of nationalization of the oil industry, what other factors have contributed to the recession of the first plan? The present study historically and with the analytical-explanatory approach reviews analyzes and evaluates the hypothesis of the disconnection of the main initiator of planning in Iran and the involvement of the political factors in the planning organization which caused the first program to the recession. The findings of the present study suggest that Abu-Alhassan Ebtehaj’s collusion with the instigators of the coup, on Mordad 28th, the abandoning of his constructive role in the country’s planning system during Mosaddegh’s office-when the planning system was getting established in Iran-and the intervention of political factors in the planning job are among the overlooked reasons behind the failure of the first development plan.


Main Subjects

List of sources with English handwriting
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