Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 PhD Candidate in History of Islamic Iran, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr

2 Associate Professor, Department of History, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr


Planning was initially taken into consideration with a view to development at the beginning of the 20th century and in the wake of international changes intervening the both world wars, a move that was later taken up by underdeveloped countries. In Iran, the idea of planning and the temporary attempts to implement it came to the fore before they found international acceptance, during the reign of Reza Shah. Following the international and domestic changes caused by the Second World War, the idea of planning in Iran experienced a revival of interest within both the government and the national community. Attempts to develop the first plan and establish the Planning Organization took place in a space of four years. During this period, the employment of specialized knowledge, provided by American consulting firms and on the recommendation of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), led the Iranian Planning Organization to be considered as acting in the service of capitalist interests. In fact, although the idea of planning in Iran has a long history, its establishment and development after the Second World War took place under international conditions and the direction of the United States. In this light, the present study seeks to look into the emergence of the Planning Organization in Iran by addressing an important question: Is the establishment of Planning Organization in Iran the product of domestic thought and needs or an imposed program in line with capitalist interests. Using the historical method and relying on recent sources and documents, the present study acknowledges the origins of the Iranian planning system.


Main Subjects

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