Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 PhD Candidate in History of Islamic Iran, Alzahra University

2 Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Isfahan


During the 36 years of the reign (1370-1405), Taimūr Gūrkānī carried out numerous campaigns across the Transoxiana and a significant portion of the Middle East and Anatolia to conquer. The use of the concept of war against the infidels, which came in the Qur'an and sources of jurisprudence under the name of Jehād, left his hand in the grip of the slave, or legitimized it. The present study, based on the geographic area of the Taimūr’s wars was under the name of Jehād or Ghazweh, is about to search and identify the areas where their populations were enslaved by Taimūr’s troops. Therefore, it has been attempted to use a descriptive-analytic method based on the main sources to investigate the geographic dispersion or, in other words, the local analysis of slavery in the Taimur Gurkani conquests and analyze and criticize its motivations and characteristics.
The results of this study show that during the Taimūr Gūrkānī attacks, the largest number of slavery or Esterqāq, was found in areas such as the Caucasus, India, the Ghebchagh plains and  Jeté Ulus that was often also under the pretext of fighting with infidelity , bad religion , defending Islam and expanding it in the above areas; and in fact in order to obtain human resources and sell them in the slave trade markets or urdu bāzār, or to receive a ransom for their release from their parents and relatives.


Main Subjects

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