Document Type : Scientific-Research


PhD Candidate in History of Islamic Iran, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


The era of Sultan Husayn Bayqara is recognized as the period of prosperity of public utility activities. While the onset of these activities dates back to the Timurid Empire (1370-1507), they were considerably expanded in Khorasan during the Bayqara administration and due to the approaches of his special minister, Amir Ali Shir Nava'i. This descriptive and analytical research was conducted to assess the scope and impact of public utility activities of Sultan and Nava’i using historical contents of that time. According to the results, these measures were considerably taken by Sultan and his court, especially his minister, based on the policies of the Shah and his court. These issues involved most areas, including religion, education and welfare. In this respect, Sultan and his court members dedicated efforts to taking these measures in line with earning a high-level and political-social status sometimes based on pure intensions, dissatisfaction with general inequality, acquiring internal satisfaction, and in some cases, fame-seeking.


Main Subjects

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