Document Type : Scientific-Research


PhD in History of Ancient Iran, University of Tehran; Lecturer in Department of History, Urmia University


The conquest of Egypt by the Achaemenids and the establishment and continuity of their government over this ancient land have raised the attention of the historians of that period, and each of them has given an assessment and report of this great event, according to their data and political inclinations. The point is that what has been the Achaemenid approach to a large and diverse Egyptian legacy, and whether their presence has brought about a change in the administrative and economic structure of Egyptian society. Using archeological findings as well as new historical studies, this paper demonstrates the role of the Achaemenids in the evolution of the administrative and economic structure of Egypt and provides a more accurate account of the confrontation between these two ancient civilizations, which is not consistent with the reports of some ancient historians. Also, by reviewing and adapting the writings of these two groups, the Achaemenid approach to the Egyptian heritage, which in Greek sources is partly tarnished, evaluates with the analysis of new positive findings and some ambiguities about the performance of the Achaemenid rulers in Egypt, which In the centuries it has been foment for some reason, now becomes clear.


Main Subjects

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