
1 Associated Professor, Department of History, Kharazmi University

2 PhD Candidate in History of Islamic Iran, Kharazmi University


One of the consequences of Mongol invasion was the prevalence of phrases and comments in conquered lands, that one of them is Darugha. This office is seen in the whole of Mongol government successors, continued its existence in Timurids age. In the study, we are going to study position and function of this office in the bureaucratic empire structure of Timurids especially by emphasizing on the period of governance of Timur, Shahrukh, Abu Said, Sultan Hussein Bāyqarā, by the use of existing data in resources. Therefore, the main question in this study is that, what has been position and function of Darugha in bureaucratic hierarchy in the period of Timurids and What was the abonnement of Darugha with governor? This research applies the method of historical analysis and is based upon the original and first-hand scripts and documents .The result of the study show that Darugha is used often synonymous with governor. It has been one of state offices in the bureaucratic hierarchy in the period of Timurid and placed in behind of court mall princes in this organization. They were responsible for various administrative and military functions including: maintain order in areas under their control, providing welfare and security, departure to campaigns, participation in construction and agricultural activities, regarding floating responsibilities in the period that were resulted from The origins of tribal government.


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