
1 Associated Professor, Department of History, Shahid Behshti University

2 Ph.D. Candidate in History of Islamic Iran, Shahid Behshti University


The Mordad 28, 1332 coup (August 19, 1953) is the main event which reminds us of the US desire for Iranian oil. After the end of the World War II, the US concentrated on reconstructing its allied countries and preventing the dissemination of communism. In this regard and due to the crucial importance of oil for the free world and the need of oil for reconstruction, the US used its entire means to keep Iran in the free world camp, as a priority of its foreign policy. Although, western politicians were not seeking direct access to Iranian oil resources, they emphasized over the free world’s accessibility to Iranian oil, and mostly the geopolitical status of Iran in the Middle East. Based on the documents of 1950-1960, disseminated by the US Department of State, and applying a descriptive-historical method; this article aims at depicting a clear image of the role of Iranian oil resources in the Mordad 28, 1332 coup (August 19, 1953) in Iran and the US’ influential role in this event. In fact, the main US policy during this era was initially based on gaining indirect profits from Iranian oil resources. But after the admittance of Mosaddeq, the Iranian prime minister, and the nationalization of the Iranian oil industry; the US changed its policy into gaining direct profits.


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