
1 Assistant Professor, Department of History, Tarbiat Modarres University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of History, Khawrazmi University

3 PhD Candidate in History of Islamic Iran, Khawrazmi University


This paper aims to study and analysis of backgrounds and reasons that caused Ulamh Takalu's riots and refugee to Ottoman government, and its impacts on the Safavid- Ottoman relations. Studies show that this revolt, which was a elite class struggles over political power, took place in Azarbaijan 937 AH and started with Ulamh Takalu's attack to Tabriz and looting the city. After the uprising since Ulamh failed to provide requiring force for fight with  Shah Tahmasp, seek cooperation with Ottomans, and fearing Persian king he took refuge in Sultan Soleiman and intrigued him to attack Iran. In this case internal contradictions of government, Ulamh's power seeking and his personal motives, Shah Tahmasp's crude attitude of dealing with the Takalus, and the impact of foreign policies of Ottoman Empire in order to gain leverage for challenging the Iranian government and obtain the benefits should not be ignored.
This revolt led to the first of four wars between Iran and the Ottoman, weakening of political elites and qualified forces of the Takalus in Safavid power structure, lose of Baghdad and its possession by ottomans, weakening of sanctity  and kingship and widespread destruction in western Iran.


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