Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Assistant Professor Shahid Beheshti University

2 PhD student in Islamic history at the University of Tehran and researcher at the Islamic Encyclopedia Foundation


Although every Muslim should be pure (from Djinaba, Hayd and so on) in touching the holy Kuran, minting the Kuranic ayas on the coins by ،Abd al Malik b. Marwān (r 65 – 86 AH), provided the ground of touching the ayas by Muslims through touching the coin in any way, which provoke the reaction of kurra (reciters), fukaha (jurists) and ،ulama (religious scholars). The question of this research is: how did Umayyad government put this reaction and rejection at the end and mint the ayas of the holy book, especially the 33th aya of Ikhlas and the aya of Tawba suras, which became a common tradition in the Islamic coins. Research in sources and historical analyze revealed that the domination of 'Abd al-Malik b. Marwān and other Marwanid caliphs along with propaganda were two main factors in stabilizing of using these coins. 


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