Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 PhD Candidate, Department of History, University of Isfahan

2 Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Isfahan


The invasion of Arabs to Azerbaijan can be explained from political and reli­gious perspective. Politically, though the Azerbaijan was conquered for the first time in the year 22 AH, its people had repeatedly rebelled against the Arabs, and simply did not obey. This issue caused many Muslims campaigns to that area during the caliphate of Omar and Othman, and the riots were sup­pressed. Gradually during the late years of Caliph Othman, due to consolidation of Muslim powers, the fail of the riots, and rising tendency towards Islam, people of Azerbaijan began to obey the Arabs. In religious point of view, for the majority of people who were under pressure by Zoroastrian priests due to some religious beliefs, Islam with its new rules such as equity and equality was best replacement for the old Zoroastrian religion. Although there were people who converted to Islam in order to achieve higher position or to gain some Muslim benefits. Therefore with the end of conquests in the region, people of Azerbaijan gradually converted to Islam and more Muslims rules were consolidated. This article, using descriptive-historical method, explains the conquest of Azerbaijan and its people’s tendency towards Islam in the period of second and third Caliph.


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