Document Type : Scientific-Research


Assistant Professor of History Department, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran.


Because of its direct connection with the religious and political legitimacy of the leaders of this government, the issue of Fatimid ancestry has always been one of the most important topics for historians and genealogists contemporary to the Fatimid government and its successors. The importance of this issue has let to its use as a political document by the opponents of the Fatimid government, especially the Abbasid government in Baghdad. Among the new studies, there are few books on the Fatimids that do not discuss in advance the Fatimid lineage and the criticism of the opponents of the Alavi lineage of this government, mainly general discussions arising from the fundamental importance of this issue in the history of the Fatimids. Therefore, the issue of the Fatimids lineage, although widely known, has rarely been the subject of independent and rigorous scholarly study. The few scientific researches available in this area are also limited to the sketching and superficial criticism of the narrations in favor and against the Alevi lineage of the Fatimids. In this article, by adopting a comparative method, through the application of the qualitative content analysis technique, an attempt is made to confront the reports of a wide range of sources that agree and disagree with the official narrative of the Fatimid government, the existing research gap in this field is resolved and a scientific and appropriate answer is given to this fundamental question.


Main Subjects

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