Document Type : Scientific-Research


PhD Candidate, Department of History, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


With the beginning of relations between Iran and the West, the crisis covered all spheres of life in Iranian society. Among these, the economic crisis emerged as a significant concern. several enlightened thinkers made endeavors to provide a solution for this crisis based on their understanding and vision. However, more intellectuals should have paid more attention to its roots. Ahmad Matin-Daftari was one of those who seriously reflected on this issue and offered solutions.
The main issue of the article is the rereading of Ahmad Matin-Daftari's opinions on Iran's economic crisis and the government's role in solving this issue. The article's question is, what role did Matin-Daftari consider for the government in solving the economic crisis? This article hypothesizes that, unlike most intellectuals, Matin-Daftari sought to limit the role of the government and establish a national economy in Iran.
The findings of this article show that Matin-Daftari believed that the government should refrain from direct interference in economic affairs and leave the work to private institutions and individuals. He also believed that the corruption of Iran's social organizations and political institutions is caused by the economy's domination over the government.


Main Subjects

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