Document Type : Scientific-Research


Assistant Professor, Department of History, Shoushtar branch, Islamic Azad University, Shoushtar, Iran


Iranians have paid special attention to bath and bathing for a long time. Although they paid a lot of attention to bathing and observing hygiene and cleanliness during the Qajar period, as in previous periods, this study aims to find out the social distinctions that existed among the upper and lower classes of Iranian society in the Qajar era regarding the construction of a bath and the matter of bathing. is, show in this research, by using historical sources and descriptive-analytical method, an attempt was made to answer these questions by applying Bourdieu's theory of social differentiation: What was the view of the upper classes of Iranian society during the Qajar era on the construction of baths and the purpose of bathing; Did they have objective beyond maintaining health and cleanliness of the body? How did the lower classes of society perceive and engage with concept of bath and bathing? The premise of the research is based on the fact that although the purpose of the lower classes of society to go to the bathroom and take a bath was based on necessities such as cleaning the body in order to perform ablution and maintain cleanliness, hygiene and health, the purpose of the noble classes was to build a bathroom and The purpose of bathing, in addition to meeting the needs such as maintaining cleanliness, hygiene and health of the body, was that through the use of decorations in the construction of the bathroom or through entertainment, beautification and self-decoration during bathing, one's distinctive and distinctive features were also show reflect their distinctive and discriminating aspects to other strata and classes.


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