Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 PhD in Islamic history, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD in History of Iran after Islam & Document expert of National Library and Records Organization of Iran, Tehran, Iran


The "Annazians", a group of Kurds belonging to the "Shazanjan" tribe, in the last decade of the first half of the 4th lunar century entered into power conflicts in a part of the Jebel region, but the establishment of their government lasted until the end of this century. Based on this, the main question of the current investigation is why and how the Bani-Annazi government was established with the center in Holvan. It is true that the powerful Bani Hasnavayh government in Dinavar did not tolerate a similar power in this historical period, and the Al-Buyeh government in Iraq, although united with the Annazis and sometimes supported them, did not have the desire to establish the powerful Bani-Annazi government. The results of this research show that with the support of Al-Buyeh from Iraq, the Annazis first established their political and military position in Holvan and its surroundings; and achieved the position of "deputy of Holvan". And then, by dominating the economic, military and religious road of Khorasan and obtaining the position of "supporter of the road of  Khorasan ", they succeeded in strengthening their position, overthrowing Hasnavayh and establishing the government.


Main Subjects

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