Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Professor, Department of History, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran

2 Postdoctoral Researcher, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran


One of the most important issues of the constitutional era, which brought many intellectual challenges and influenced the fate of the new political system of Iran's constitutional era, was the meaning and concept of "constitution" and the subsequent intellectual disputes caused by the different understandings of this new political concept. A number of scholars, intellectuals and other strata were involved in the discussion on the meaning, and other classes. Azerbaijan not only played an important political role in the realization of the constitutional revolution, but also an important part of the intellectual disputes took place among Azerbaijani scholars. emergence of constitutional thought and constitutionalism as well as the process of establishing a political system based on the Constitution, led to a classification among the scholars of Azerbaijan, whereupon, different views of the constitution and its relationship with religious political doctrines were presented. It seems that the scholars of Azerbaijan held opposing positions based on religious concerns, development of political affairs and, of course, social and economic considerations. Apart from the fact that these positions were sometimes fundamentally incompatible with the essence and nature of the Constitution, they also found important views and decisive political actions in the field of political action. The group seeking legitimacy, feeling threatened by the new amendments, considered the inviolability and incompatibility of the constitution with the Islamic system and tried to transform the national parliament into an Islamic parliament. The constitutional scholars, on the other hand, who knew the contrast between the new order and the Islamic system, saw it as an advantage over the authoritarian system and a method to limit tyranny, and deliberately presented the Iranian constitution as a combination between the principles of Sharia and constitutionalism.  Based on political treatises, newspapers and original sources, this important topic was examined in a descriptive-explanatory manner.


Main Subjects

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