Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 PhD student of Islamic Art, the School of Art and Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor at the School of Art and Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor at the School of Art and Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Among the most precious Iranian lithographic books from the Qajar period is Kulliyat-e Joodi, whose illustrations stand out in their depiction of the women present at the Battle of Karbala. With a focus on Zaynab bint Ali (peace of God be upon her), this study analyses those of the book’s illustrations that are centered on the women of the Battle of Karbala. It also explores the themes surrounding the event, as well as the thematic and visual qualities of the illustrations. The study asks: “How are the accounts and themes of the Battle of Karbala rendered in the illustrations? And how are the religious significance and outfit of Zaynab (p) and the other women of the Battle of Karbala shown in the different Manuscripts of the book?”
The findings of this descriptive-analytical desk research helped identify the illustrators of some of the Kulliat-e Joodi Manuscripts whose illustrators were originally unspecified. Many of the studied artworks were not completely faithful to the accepted Islamic historical accounts, with the artist having taken creative liberties with the source text.
To show the religious significance of Zaynab (p), the illustrations make her the focus of the scenes and distinguish her with visual elements of holiness. She also notably appears in three different outfits across the artworks. Notions such as the strength of character, support, patience, and grief are highlighted using different artistic tactics.


Main Subjects

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