Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Associate Professor, Department of History, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

2 PhD student in post-Islamic Iranian history, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran


At the beginning of the implementation of compulsory military service, Fars state faced some drawbacks and a lack of coordination among civil and martial units. Such as the lack of details of the participants and the lack of unity of procedure between executive organs. On the other hand,in order to centralize and perform the modern army, Reza Shah emphasized the implementation of this law. Therefore, compulsory military service faced some conflicts.
This study is compiled based on a descriptive-analytic model and documentary- library resources. The main question of this article is about the challenges that Reza shah government had to encounter in order to execute a mandatory system ،and also about the solution to solve them, and finally the result of those approaches.
The results show that despite the lack of coordination among the different parts of the state and formational drawbacks in performing compulsive military service, no relinquishment or disappointment was seen in governmental sectors. To stop this profligacy and prevent pluralism, and confront the center of influence of the influential, dealing with evil and insecurity. Reza Shah used all martial and administrative capacities. Compulsive military service was one of those capacities. The pertinacity of the authorities resulted in a gradual decrease in flaws and obstacles in Fars. As well as this, organizations such as state birth certificates also came into existence. Only socially speaking, some people created a challenge for the government offices as they did not accept the compulsive military service.


Main Subjects

List of sources with English handwriting
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